Waiver & Release of Liability I am voluntarily participating in this "The KEYtoCP™: A Systematic, Intensive Treatment Model" a Live Webinar CE Course presented by Rehab Education for the sole purpose of education and training. I am participating in this activity entirely at my own risk, for the purpose of furthering my knowledge. I understand that this course is available only to licensed healthcare providers and that the course content is not intended for use outside the scope of practice of my license or regulation. Completion of this online course does not give me the right to apply treatments that are not covered under my specific state's practice act. I understand that I am responsible to be familiar with scope of practice for my profession, state practice act, and licensure regulations to determine the legality of utilizing the information and skills learned in this course. As a licensed healthcare practitioner, I will utilize my clinical skills and professional knowledge and be responsible for using my clinical judgment. I understand that the information presented in this course is for educational purposes only. The views expressed and material presented during this course, represent the personal views of the presenter. The presenter of this course has compiled information on various different situations and specifically indicate that each case is different. By no means does the course give a global solution to the management of conditions covered during this course. The presenter, Pia Stampe, PT, DPT, merely expresses her views and in no way provides any expressed warranties and assumes no responsibility for any person implying a set standard (or use) from the material and views of the course content. Course participants are strongly recommended to obtain the referring surgeon/physician's consent prior to treating any and all of their clients, as each situation is different and patient treatment may differ. I further understand that my participation in the course will require sound judgment at all times and I agree to exercise sound judgment throughout my participation in the course, and when utilizing these techniques clinically. As a healthcare professional, I understand that I am solely responsible for my decisions and actions in the treatment of patients, the use of material and information presented in this course, as well as my conduct and activities during and at any time following this online CE course. I understand that the interpretation and application of information and techniques learned is your responsibility, as the treating therapist and is governed by the scope of your state licensure law. I agree to waive any claim against Rehab Education, LLC and Pia Stampe, PT, DPT, and to hold them harmless from any and all liability, claims, damages, actions and causes of actions whatsoever for loss, damages, or injury to persons or property. I agree that all instruction and use of equipment shall be undertaken at my own risk. I intend this Release of Liability to be effective whether or not any loss, damage, personal injury or wrongful death results from negligence, omission of material or procedure, at the present or any time in the future. I am aware that this is an online course, and I understand that Rehab Education LLC is not responsible for problems that I may experience in accessing course due to technology issues including internet connections and bandwidth. Signing this waiver does not guarantee certification of course completion, which is based on successful completion of coursework and assessments of knowledge. Confirm your consent by clicking the checkbox below. By signing this document, I expressly state that I have had sufficient opportunity to read this entire agreement. I acknowledge that I have carefully read this document and fully understand that it is a release of liability and I agree to be bound by its terms. By signing it, I agree that it is my intention to exempt and relieve Rehab Education LLC and the instructor from liability for personal injury, property damage, or wrongful death caused by negligence or any other cause with respect to my participation in this online CE course and voluntarily waive rights to bring legal action against Rehab Education LLC, and/or course instructors. Type your name to sign this form: Please enter your information as you would like it to appear on your certificate of attendance: Your Email (required) First Name: (required) Middle Name: Last Name: (required) Credentials: (required) Home address street, (required) City (required) State (required) Zip (required) Cell phone /daytime phone: (required) License # 1: (required) License State 1: (required) License # 2: License State 2: License # 3: License State 3: